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Monthly Archives: July 2015

Micro-aggression.. U of Wisconsin Faculty Advised Not to Say ‘America is a Melting Pot’ Because That’s Racist

Adolf Hitler, leader of the National Socialists, emerges from the party's Munich headquarters on December 5, 1931.  Hitler predicted his Nazi party would one day control Germany. (AP Photo)

Adolf Hitler, leader of the National Socialists, emerges from the party’s Munich headquarters on December 5, 1931. Hitler predicted his Nazi party would one day control Germany. (AP Photo)


In a recent story in the National Review  a glaring example  exists of what I was talking about in my recent post regarding the de-constructing going on in our country today. It’s an example of the left controlling thought in the universities. This time they are attacking the very description of our country’s demographic nature the term ‘melting pot” used for probably a century at least. Now it’s being called by the left as “micro-aggressions”.. whatever the hell that means. This is just another way of saying it’s politically incorrect.

These people want to absolutely destroy the notion of one singular predominant race, culture, defining set of religious values, and national identity. The current way we define our country is to be changed. The old way does not fit with a socialist vision of one world government. This is why patriotism and national pride is undesirable to these people. To them we are the world and should embrace cultural, moral, language, and social diversity along with racial diversity at the very expense of our national identity.

By accepting all things to all people and destroying what is left of our national identity as Americans, what is left to keep the country together or united?

If all we are is a hodge podge of everything else and we reject anything that used to be uniquely American, what becomes of the country called America? What does it mean to be an American? Who the hell knows now a days?

Anyway its food for thought for this upcoming Fourth of July celebration. Who knows how many more 4th’s we will get to celebrate before the PC police deem it’s too micro aggressive towards peoples from Great Britain and must be changed to something else or eliminated altogether because it’s considered too much a symbol of aggression and disunity being disharmonious towards the British peoples.