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Monthly Archives: June 2015

The De-Constructing of America

deconstucting America

I don’t believe that the American culture that I grew up with will survive much longer. We have lasted for two hundred and twenty eight years but that is coming to a close thanks to movements in this country that I believe are designed intentionally to de-construct America. The America that the world used to turn to for help and assistance when in need,  or look to as a shining example of how successful  representative government can be when it protects individual liberty and property rights is dying at the hands of the enemy within.

Ellis Island immigrants

Ellis Island immigrants


Past generations of immigrants came to this country and assimilated into the main culture, adopting American holidays, traditions, language and even food while adding their own essence and flavor. They melted into the very fabric of the country, making it special and in every way stronger and better. Even those unwilling immigrants who were dragged here in chains and forced into slavery were eventually given freedom and the same opportunity to improve their lives and make something of themselves and millions have since then.

Today America’s borders are porous by intention. Those in charge of government have realized that a ready made dependent poor class exists south of the border and all that is required is allowing them to freely come here. Large masses of unskilled or low skilled, poorly educated peasants have come to our country not seeking better opportunity per se but welfare and free benefits. Incomes once earned, are not taxed and instead sent back home to Latin America. What happened to assimilation? What happened to the idea that immigrants come here looking for greener pastures, and the promise of opportunity by joining the country, becoming American and adopting their new country, customs, laws and traditions, as their own and abandoning their allegiance to their old country and languages?  Previous generations came here not having the benefit of signs put up in their language everywhere or political action committees waiting in the wings to provide legal support and demanding benefits for their little subset culture,  benefits  I might add without legal citizenship.  This new immigrant class has no intention of assimilating or becoming Americans. Who cares about being an American if they will give you a social security card, pay for your healthcare, find you a job, make existing Americans have to choose whether they want English or Spanish spoken in their places of business, and never ask anything of you accept vote Democrat early and often.  Its cultural suicide but that’s what millions of Americans have chosen to accept.


Joseph N. Welch (left) being questioned by Senator McCarthy, June 9, 1954.

Joseph N. Welch (left) being questioned by Senator McCarthy, June 9, 1954.

Foreign Influences

Maybe Joe McCarthy didn’t have it so wrong?

At some point in our history Americans started expecting more from their government and less from themselves. Over time due in large part to the success of our form of government over others in the world, all of America became richer, more satisfied, and complacent especially after the Second World War. Even those who would claim they were not treated equally saw greater opportunities for improving their lives in this country than in any other on Earth. Similarly America’s prejudices were nothing compared to those found in most other parts of the world where genocide and ethnic cleansing still exist to this day. Compare a Jew living in Europe in 1945 with a Black living in Detroit in 1945. Not exactly a fair comparison of oppression is it?

There were those however who were not content with American tradition, who started looking towards other forms of governments as being better than our own, who questioned our religious practices and embraced self-indulgence and lust.  No man is owed a living, food, shelter and free healthcare. He must work for it, or he suffers the consequences, however this new class of American did not accept that premise. They believed that every man was owed these things and more and that no man should have more than other men. They failed to recognize the most basic of human characteristics. We are all different, or unique with different skills, levels of ambition, intelligence, and physical attributes or gifts.  These discontented Americans however were influenced greatly by the socialists and communists of Europe of the late 19th and 20th century in my opinion.   Abandoning the American way of life and abandoning God they abandoned the very pillars of which our society was founded. For example the very premise of “natural rights” which was understood by our founders as coming from God and not man is rejected by these leftists. So is the entire premise of self-government and that government exists to protect individual rights and property. Its not recognized by them. How can you call yourself an American and not believe in individual property rights??

Information is power

The left has succeeded in taking control of the media and most information disseminated to Americans coming by way of the public education systems across the country and the universities; the print news;  internet news outlets; and the entertainment industry. These new leftists have bombarded Americans with their propaganda for decades and indoctrinated millions of Americans into thinking that our country mistreated all Native Americans and Blacks and continues to do so to this day; that all rich (insert your own definition) people take advantage of the poor, all business owners are greedy,  and that the white majority demographic are all racist, bigoted, homo-phobes. In other words division. They divide us by pointing out things that may or may not be true and certainly are not true of everyone. They also have them convinced that the Constitution, the law of the land is something that is malleable and should be changed frequently by our President (who they wrongly believe has the power to do so, or our Supreme Court does for that matter) when not in agreement with the latest polls. How can we expect to stay united as a culture and country and keep our Constitution under such circumstances and ignorance?

Politics as usual

Politically, the left realized long ago that a citizen dependent on government can be controlled by government, so taking their message to the masses they promised “free” things, which was of course not free but simply things paid for by other people’s money in the form of taxes. They legalized theft from the citizens with the threat of government brute force behind it beginning in 1913 with the establishment of income tax and the IRS. Today millions of Americans don’t think about where their “free” stuff comes from. Their okay with the government re-distributing wealth. Slowly the entitlements grow, social security, welfare, unemployment, you name it, a huge percentage of the population is now dependent on some form of government entitlement, assistance, or benefit. How can we expect to be a strong viable country economically if we are all dependent on our  government. Where does the money come from when we run out of all of the rich people’s money?




Moral relativism and the legalization of depravity

With the Supreme Court’s recent decision to make gay marriage permissible in every state in the union a requirement, what would have been unthinkable just a few decades ago has become legitimized. State rights be damned. Congress be damned, the Supremes have spoken and nine un-elected men and women will say what is to be for 310 million Americans. The left has succeeded in changing the definition of marriage something understood by all of human society for thousands of years as between a man and a woman. It will not end there. This ruling will set up future legal challenges with the churches in America something that the left desires. Religion has no role in a socialist or communist society. God is the government and all will bow to it or be punished. What is to prevent future legal challenges and the redefining of marriage to mean between man and dog or man and wife and second wife. Pandora’s box has been opened and much trouble is coming to our culture.




Political correctness, the disease that keeps on spreading

America is made up of various demographic groups:  Males, Females, Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, gays, straights, Christians, Jews, Muslims, wealthy, poor, northerners, southerners, conservative, liberal, etc etc etc. We are all Americans but to listen the media these days and the left particularly these subset cultures are more important individually than the whole. If we are to believe what the media is telling us and what our do nothing “right” representatives say, we the “majority” (whoever that is, in the 60’s its was called “the Man”) should be made to suffer the righteous indignation from  every minority subset culture in America who has ever suffered or been insulted for each of those two hundred and twenty eight years since America’s government was born.  Just about every group has a bitch these days and wants to cash in on the latest “offense” reported in the news demanding recompense, profuse apologies, etc etc etc.

Everyone is offended now and the entire American culture is being forced to twist and turn to the whim of these subset cultures and their easily offended natures.  We are no longer united. How can we be with some many different groups of people who are all so offended by the other groups.  Witness the  latest ridiculousness of political correctness. A racist cracker with obvious mental problems shoots up a church full of black worshipers. Instead of addressing the problem of mental illness the media and the left in particular is trying to say its all because the Confederate flag is flying over the South Carolina capital and still throughout most of  the south. The stars and bars, the Rebel flag of the Confederacy is the problem. Really?  Ahhh no that’s not the problem and removing it won’t change a damn thing except disenfranchise a lot of the South with the rest of the country and some blacks too who are not offended by a piece of cloth.  First off racism is never going to go away. It is not just a white thing. I always said racism ironically is color blind in that every race of man and color is prone to being racist. It is part of human nature, one of our flaws.

How do we fix it in this country. I would argue if you want everyone to respect everyone equally stop treating them differently. Why are black people known as African American? Why not just American? Why do we have affirmative action? Why does the Congressional Black Caucus exist and why can’t a white representative join it?  In other words if Blacks started seeing themselves no differently, started to have some self-esteem and self-respect, assimilated into mainstream culture instead of resisting it and demanding they be treated differently,  perhaps there would be less racism. I have known black man and women to succeed greatly in America despite being “black”. If they can do it why can’t others? Perhaps it has nothing to do with their skin color and everything to do with the person, the human being who is unique with talents and abilities God blessed them with and who learned how to use them.


Political correctness is a disease that is spreading in America and if left unchecked will result I believe in the 1st amendment disappearing because someone somewhere will always be offended by free expression or thought as well as pieces of colored cloth.  These symbols only have power to offend by those who are willing to be offended. If your offended by this story good, it means I did something right in expressing my first amendment right and made you at least think about this problem instead of blinding accepting what the media tell you to think. Here are  some more offending images, the last one in particular bothers me. I’ll get over it but If I meet the guy doing that I would punch him in the nose and just claim I was offended and all will be forgiven right?







Compassion comes from your own heart




Being compassionate towards someone using another person’s money for your act of compassion, is not called compassion. A true act of compassion comes from your own heart, your time and  resources, or your own wallet. The tale of Robin Hood may sound appealing, but legislating charity or welfare is not called compassion, it’s called theft.

Robin Hood


The Moral Foundations of Capitalism

Lady Margaret Thatcher, former British Prime Minister

Lady Margaret Thatcher, former British Prime Minister

In November 1994, Lady Margaret Thatcher delivered the concluding lecture in Hillsdale College’s Center for Constructive Alternatives seminar, “God and Man: Perspectives on Christianity in the 20th Century” before an audience of 2,500 students, faculty, and guests. In an edited version, she examines how the Judeo-Christian tradition has provided the moral foundations of America and other nations in the West and contrasts their experience with that of the former Soviet Union. Imprimis, the journal of Hillsdale College reprinted part of that lecture in its 3/1995 edition titling it “The Moral Foundations of Society”.  I have included an excerpt from that reprinting where Thatcher specifically identifies the Moral Foundations of Capitalism. 


…”It is important to understand that the moral foundations of a society do not extend only to its political system; they must extend to its economic system as well. America’s commitment to capitalism is unquestionably the best example of this principle. Capitalism is not, contrary to what those on the Left have tried to argue, an amoral system based on selfishness, greed, and exploitation. It is a moral system based on a Biblical ethic. There is no other comparable system that has raised the standard of living of millions of people, created vast new wealth and resources, or inspired so many beneficial innovations and technologies. The wonderful thing about capitalism is that it does not discriminate against the poor, as has been so often charged; indeed, it is the only economic system that raises the poor out of poverty. Capitalism also allows nations that are not rich in natural resources to prosper. If resources were the key to wealth, the richest country in the world would be Russia, because it has abundant supplies of everything from oil, gas, platinum, gold, silver, aluminum, and copper to timber, water, wildlife, and fertile soil. Why isn’t Russia the wealthiest country in the world? Why aren’t other resource-rich countries in the Third World at the top of the list? It is because their governments deny citizens the liberty to use their God-given talents. Man’s greatest resource is himself, but he must be free to use that resource. In his recent encyclical, Centesimus Annus, Pope John Paul II addressed this issue. He wrote that the collapse of communism is not merely to be considered as a “technical problem.” It is a consequence of the violation of human rights. He specifically referred to such human rights as the right to private initiative; to own property, and to act in the marketplace. Remember the “Parable of the Talents” in the New Testament? Christ exhorts us to be the best we can be by developing our skills and abilities, by succeeding in all our tasks and endeavors. What better description can there be of capitalism? In creating new products, new services, and new jobs, we create a vibrant community of work. And that community of work serves as the basis of peace and good will among all men. The Pope also acknowledged that capitalism encourages important virtues, like diligence, industriousness, prudence, reliability, fidelity, conscientiousness, and a tendency to save in order to invest in the future. It is not material goods but all of these great virtues, exhibited by individuals working together, that constitute what we call the “marketplace….”   “Reprinted by permission from IMPRIMIS, the monthly journal of Hillsdale College.”

As we can see today nothing really has changed in the twenty plus years since Lady Thatcher described the Moral Foundations of Capitalism. We can still hear and read the Left’s assertions that Capitalism is evil and greedy, etc. etc.. and yet we can still see people rising up from poverty and terrible circumstances to overcome and succeed thanks in no large part to a system of government that has changed the face of the planet for the better. The rise of fall of civilizations has provided clear examples of what types of government work and what types do not. History is the best teacher however it is still the most expensive. We must learn from the past and recognize, and challenge, the Left’s assertions that Socialism or Communism is the answer. This must be done every single day, everywhere in America or we risk losing the freedom fought for so gallantly by the youth of today and past generations.